Coming Up at Pre-School

Next half term we hope to get outside a bit more. Although we go out every day none of the children are keen to stay out for long while it is this cold. Hopefully the weather will be kind and we can begin some planting too. We

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What We’ve Been Up To

The children have been looking out for signs of Spring during the last 2 weeks, not easy with the snow, but we were lucky enough to go and see the newly hatched chicks in Mr Poote’s foundation classroom in the school this week, which the children absolutely loved.

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Car Parking

The school have informed us that many parents, particularly at Breakfast Club and out of school Club collection/drop-off times, have used the school car park. Please can I remind all parents that parking in the school car park is not permitted unless prior arrangement has been made

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Snow Closures

Please remember that in the event of snow we are unable to open if the school decides to close, so please check any of the following: The school website: Bucks CC website: or listen to Mix 96, the local radio station, for a list of school closures.

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