Settling In
The first few sessions at Pre-School will be settling sessions, you and your child will be asked to stay for a short period of time to ensure they are happy and comfortable with the setting and the staff. Your Keyperson will work closely with you on settling your child. These settling sessions will not be charged.
We do recommend 3 setting in sessions, however we can be flexible.
Settling in sessions
1st settling in session will be 30 minutes long, your child will come inside the setting and spend 1 on 1 time with their Keyperson. You will remain outside the setting door, a seat will be provided.
It’s advisable to bring a book or magazine to the settling session as mobile phones are not allowed to be used on site.
Please also dress for the weather as you might get cold or wet.
We have found the distance of parents staying outside of the room beneficial to children when settling.
The child knows that you are close enough that if they need you, you are there, however you are too close they become reliant on you. Soon they begin to feel happy and comfortable within the setting on their own.
The length of the next two settling session are decided between you and your child’s Keyperson. The Keyperson may recommend more or less than the usual 3 sessions depending on your child.
Forms to be completed
Before their first settling session, you will be asked to complete a registration form. These forms will ask you quite a few details about your child and your family and forms part of the settling-in procedure. A child as young as two may not have the necessary language to tell the staff about his/her needs, so it is especially useful to have some background information. The office staff or your child’s appointed Keyperson, may discuss the profile with you, especially noting any concerns such as allergies, special needs, etc.
Saying Goodbye
Provided that you and your child have previously visited the Pre-School, smile and reassure your child that you are coming back later, hand him/her over to a member of staff at the gate, wave goodbye and walk away. There is no need to stay if your child settles at an activity with a member of staff. You are welcome to phone and speak to a member of staff later, if you are worried. ).
Each Half Term
Each half term following, your child’s Keyperson makes plans for activities that will interest, stimulate and promote your child’s learning. These are incorporated into the activity plans which are developed half-termly by the staff as a team. On the planning board in the entrance lobby you will find photos and information about the general learning that has taken place in the Pre-School during the previous week. We hope that you will share with us some of the interesting things your child does at home. You are also warmly invited to add your ideas to the planning board.
Twice a year, in July and December, we hold informal Parent’s Evenings where you are invited to meet with the staff and speak to your Keyperson about your child.
You will receive an invite and you will be able to book a 10 minute appointment with your child’s Keyperson via a online form.
If you would like to speak to your Keyperson for a longer length of time, or just would like a confidential chat, about your child or any aspect of the Pre-School, please make an appointment via the office staff. We will book an appointment with your child’s keyperson at a mutually convenient time.
Knowing how your child is progressing on a regular basis and being able to support this gives you an active role in your child’s education and welfare, forming a positive beginning to the education system.