As many of you are aware, we had an Ofsted inspection at the end of last year and I am pleased to let you know that the report has now been published. We received a Good grading and some really lovely comments were made in the report, it is long but please take the time to read it. The inspector said that although we offer lots of activities to develop mathematics skills in space, shape and measure, we needed to show this better when we are planning the activities, particularly for the older children if we want to get an Outstanding grade. We feel that this was an accurate reflection and have already had a discussion to see how we can improve on this. I would like to thank parents for their fantastic feedback to the Ofsted inspector on the day, we know that this was a major factor in receiving such a wonderful report. I have picked out some of my favourite comments from the inspection report, but please click the link below to read the full report.
“Children’s high level of confidence serves them well in readiness for school.”
“Staff deployment is effective to meet the needs of all the children. As a result, staff give children their time and attention; this supports children well and keeps them focused on learning.”
“Staff sit at the children’s level and introduce words to increase their vocabulary, this builds children’s confidence to speak and listen. Staff’s consistent nurturing of young children, results in them learning to speak confidently and listen well as they get older.”
“Children respond positively to staff’s guidance. The learning environment is busy and purposeful. Children behave well and show consideration for others.”
“Where key persons identify gaps in learning, they put clear and well-considered plans in place to close those gaps quickly.”
“Children are to learning to manage their behaviour and to be respectful of others. As a result, the learning environment is calm and positive and children are well-prepared for future learning.”