It is hard to believe the Summer Term is over already. The last day was as always a time for mixed feelings for everyone, excitement about moving on to new schools, but a few tears as we said a very fond farewell. Too many to mention by name this year, but we would like to wish our Year 6 OSC leavers all the best of luck as they go out into the big world of Secondary School, and our 45 Pre-School leavers good luck at “big school”. We also have a Year 4 OSC leaver, moving school and we wish her lots of luck too.
It is not just the children moving on, sadly Devon will be leaving us too as she ventures into the world of child-minding, we wish her all the best and look forward to continue seeing her in September when she collects from Pre-School.

The end of term has brought with it some lovely events, the Sports Day was extremely well attended as was the Picnic in the Park and Summer Drinks in the Churchill and all were great fun, very relaxed events, due partly to the wonderful weather, but it was also so nice to be able to catch up with everyone without the hustle and bustle at drop-off/collection times. Huge thanks to the Committee for organising the picnic in the park, the entertainer was enjoyed by all, and the evening out in the Churchill, the Thai nibbles were delicious!

We would also like to say a huge thank you to parents and children for the lovely cards and gifts that have been arriving all week.

Hopefully the weather will remain for the holidays, have a wonderful break and we look forward to seeing you again when we return on Thursday 5th September.