Monday 24th September 2012 at 7.45pm
Long Crendon Pre-School
Wine and nibbles will be available
The Pre-school and Out of School Club is a charity run by a parent committee. Together they oversee the smooth-running of the setting. This can mean anything from building new partnerships with other parents and professionals, coming up with new fund raising ideas or getting exciting plans off the ground. Without participation from parents our Pre-school would not exist.
Please come along to the Annual General Meeting to hear more about how our Pre-school is run and how you can become involved. There are lots of ways you can contribute to the committee and you can choose to give as much or as little time as you can spare. The good thing is you don’t need any experience to make a difference.
If you would like to be considered for election on the committee please let Debbie Whale or Sanda Ringsma know as soon as possible.
See you on the 24th!